lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Elecciones. Cholulteca Times recta final. Solo dos cumplen expectativas

Miguel Ángel Huepa  Pérez PAN & Matilde Roldán Castillo PRI

Explanation of Vote
Airport Mexico City. People must decide for Sunday 7 June and will do it with real conviction, with true respect but mainly with the intention to see the reality of who will be representing more than 300 thousand inhabitants Precinct 10 with Cholula header.
After seeing their presentations as concise, as banal as risoria and many; not all, have shown a lack of knowledge and especially the lack of seriousness of being a candidate who failed to appreciate or to what degree they had to work to win the trust of the population.Many have been the same or worse, or who to choose!Many do not meet the expectations of the population.Some went to participatory debates in forums between open and half closed. A few months after they were groups involved in Zafarranchos against municipalities like San Pedro and San Andres Cholula for the construction of the square of the 7 cultures, brokerage firms seeking agreements for the use of bicycles and "acculturated not correspond rayaderos to the national reality seeking to excel, to one's means of communication. Do not forget that past administrations in San Andrés, newly appointed Magic Town, radical leftist groups, outside of Puebla state, sought to bays painted on 5 May breaking scheme projects and adoc Magical Towns of sinalectica of any city in Mexico, regardless of uses, customs and digests and uses sinalectica measures vial and use of advertisements.Today painfully candidates have shown what they are and despair these days make use of smear campaign, tricks, what you can do on social networks, crazy mice, carousels, urns pregnancy and especially the classic low ratings do victims of attacks and persecutions to become martyrs of Calvary are just part of political marketing strategies, criticizing authorities of any political party, have made people decide to Sunday.Painfully, they have demonstrated the incipient left parties did not live up to the poor and disenfranchised because it turns out that this class now features social networking, alternative media and are not fooled.Today, new parties are born to die trying to sunset Cristobal Nonato. Humanist, has nothing to keep up with Josefina Vazquez Mota, the style of selfless woman, suffering and the search for the existence of that woman can on others. SAT oblíguense pay to be regulated. Irony, defends the people putting them in tax waist. Insurance and won, where tax incentives for the unemployed "that says people" are.Social meeting being the agony of their stay recovered air after demonstrating in the debate at the Universidad Iberoamericana "I'm going to hear more gossip to a cafe" strong message, deadly to Luis Alberto Arriaga who has been an excellent TV commentator and all show but for politics, or do you get paid very well to be knocking or masochistic? it responds to be on opposing teams in the losers and liars, vile and social disrepute because of José Juan Espinosa, who is not supported by Ignacio Alvizar, Local plurinominal deputy who did grow in the style of a literary work English author Mary Shelley. Published in 1818 "frankenstein all appalled by the excessive use of power of the City of San Pedro Cholula, take vehicles to their own workshops, provide funeral services to be trusted" thugs within the municipal police "coincidentally graffiti, whistleblowers to citizens around the hill of Remedies, a huehes, punish producers of bricks. Go to weight and how big burden, a great guy, but it's good actor where in San Andrés as a candidate for the PRI municipal president do not support him do not support him much less the group Ivan Mange, or Cuautli Raymundo, less than Gabriel and Rafael Tello Forcelledo Karam, Hidalgo rich barbecue is not to the liking of Cholula in the polls and that the final verdict will be .
With NEPAD, Gerardo negotiations Islands to keep only the record for this district ubiera not exist, but candidates "and alternate Celestino Nava" gave more votes to a candidate as Erika de la Vega who called many PRI go with her and disbanded a considerable majority, they are now repentant and work in two bands tricolor. I turned the great deceiver deceived. But the real value in the polls will be affected considerably and teachers who are very friendly people of Salvador Echeguren who did not know that as time New Alliance and the ravages take penance.
For the PRD, as nonexistent as always, delivered as shock troops to have political spaces, "Dr. to your hospital," politics is honesties of educational careers cover a priori not only spaces for personal intentions. The PRD is and will continue downward until they have their own identity and group desliguen as Movidig-DNA are not, nor are poblano away to proactive policies.
With the PT, great confusion, with Imelda Santoyo and especially with the large operators who do not know the reason for the party, unless they can campaign where proposals will only be gestionadores problems without answers.
Morena candidate has just buried his own campaign "the rulers and the system is corrupt. Now I'm on this side of the corrupt."
Finally, only two candidates exist and are up to the debate and the legislative proposal. only two that they have already been at work in public administration and in Congress. Roldan Matilde Castillo and Miguel Angel Perez Huepa cholulteca both originally from the region, family ancestry, with his remarks, no one is adept at sweet, both hated by minorities, loved by the hypocrisies, godfathers of thousands of citizens, both programs gestionadores in favor of the population, both in gender equality, one municipal experience, integrated in the family life, the other with the strength of a woman fighting work, business value substitute two councils, simple, energetic and who will to cost a lot of work, because the loss of a loved one has given strength to his heart.
Both with very equal, between PRI and PAN PAN PRI between computers. both with the work of many opposition parties, both with the commitment to work towards a goal. monitoring a project and applied policies.Many direct selling sanandreseño territory and has been a bastion of electoral dispute, but all candidates with the population have been responsible, from the Arriaga himself when he was local deputy was also responsible for the "alleged sale of territory bordering zone, all political parties have been participants of such vandalism as commonly thought them "not to forget, the left parties were also participants in these acts, Manuel Bartlett Diaz, former governor and PRI Olaya Pineapple, today the first in the rows of incipient parties defending the area of ​​the reserve when it's one of those identified by the sanandreseño people and not put his hands or his own party people. Executioner, judge and advocate. the population claims to recover lands of San Miguel La Rosa, municipality of Puebla today as they were invited to stand before the expropriation forgiveness negotiated payment of property and water.
However, those who must have the seat in San Lazaro, who will have more saliva, eat more pinole but mostly have courage to respond to its policies for the benefit of Cholula, who are in the region should be in the preference. Zapatero to your shoes.

Only the National Action Party and the Institutional Revolutionary Party met most expectations.
What things!

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